Covenant’s Children’s Ministry seeks to encourage Covenant parents in the spiritual care and growth of their children. The ministry is coordinated by our Director of Children and Youth Ministries, Ian Troll, and relies on the many volunteers who regularly serve in our classrooms and nurseries. Children’s Ministry serves children birth through 5th grade and is located on the lower level of our sanctuary building. Additionally, Covenant offers a youth ministry for children grades 6-12.
Sunday Morning Schedule
- 9:00 Worship Service: Nurseries for birth through age 4; Children’s Worship for pre-k through 5th Grade.
- Common Ground: Sunday School for children pre-k through 12th grade; nurseries for birth through age 4.
- 11:15 Worship Service: Nurseries for birth through age 4.
You can learn more about Children’s Worship and Sunday School on our Children’s Ministry website.
If you plan to have your children attend, please keep a few details in mind:
– For the safety of our children’s ministry, all children must be checked in by a parent or guardian and receive a name tag. There will be two check in stations with multiple devices to help disperse traffic, but please plan to arrive a few minutes early to have adequate time to check in your children. If your child will attend during a worship service and Common Ground, please plan to check them in for both at the same time. Staff and volunteers will get them to the correct rooms for each activity.
– To help ensure a fast and easy check-in, please update yours and your children’s information in Covenant’s database. You can do so here.
– If your child is ill, please plan to keep them at home. Additional details about our sick policy can be found here.