Covenant is located in the Bucktown neighborhood of Chicago. For help getting to Covenant, look at our directions and parking information.
Covenant offers two worship services at 9:00 and 11:15 am. Our worship services generally last an hour and 10 minutes. We are a liturgical church, meaning that our services follow a pattern of worship that connects Sunday to Sunday, and to the historic worship of the church, through responsive readings, prayers and weekly observance of the Sacrament of Communion. You can get a sense of that pattern by looking at our order of worship or watching a past service.
We offer children’s ministry options during both worship services. At the 9:00 am service, we offer a nursery for children birth through age 4 and Children’s Worship classrooms for pre-k through 5th grade. At the 11:15 service, our nurseries for children birth through age 4 will be available. At either service, children are welcome to join their families for worship upstairs.
At 10:15, between the services, we have Common Ground. This is a time for our community to gather together to grow and learn together. During this time between the services, we’ll have a full slate of offerings for both kids and adults. For the kids, there will be a nursery available, and Sunday School for kids pre-K through High School. For adults, there will be at least two education options during the school year as well as a space to gather and talk with each other. And of course, there’ll be coffee and snacks for everybody! You can find additional details about our children and youth Sunday Schools on our children’s ministry page and view the current and current adult education offerings online.
We hope you’ll join us soon.