Christian Education

Christian Education

We believe that learning about our faith and growing together in it are necessary for flourishing in the Christian life.  The goal of Christian learning is to form us into human beings who are fully swept up into the work God is doing in his world.  Learning is more than simply knowing; it is the internalization of truth that leads to mature thinking and acting.

One of the ways we can learn and grow together in our faith is through Christian Education. Covenant regularly offers classes during Common Ground that include a blend of biblical studies, theological education and Christian formation. Occasionally, we host guest lecturers.

Current Class Offerings

Classes will return on September 8. Learn more about them below.

Read This Book: How to Read Scripture. The Bible is many things: an ancient anthology, God’s word, the Church’s book. But what is it to us? What should we do with it? How do we make sense of it? Join us starting September 8 for a 5-week class on how to read Scripture taught primarily by Dr. Mark Lester (PhD in Hebrew Bible from Yale University). We’ll talk about why we read in community, how we pay attention to literary convention and history, and how Christians have read scripture with and against church tradition. Our last week, we’ll think through how to read Scripture as a spiritual exercise. This class will meet in the All Saints Room.

Vote Like a Christian: In this class, we won’t tell you who to vote for, but we will talk about how we engage in politics as Christians. We’ll think through the ways politics shapes us and our communities, and explore some of the nuances of engaging faithfully in a political context that is marked by fallenness and brokenness. This five-week class will begin on September 8 during Common Ground and will be taught primarily by Larissa Bossemeyer. Class will meet in the Library.