Christian Education

Christian Education

We believe that learning about our faith and growing together in it are necessary for flourishing in the Christian life.  The goal of Christian learning is to form us into human beings who are fully swept up into the work God is doing in his world.  Learning is more than simply knowing; it is the internalization of truth that leads to mature thinking and acting.

One of the ways we can learn and grow together in our faith is through Christian Education. Covenant regularly offers classes during Common Ground that include a blend of biblical studies, theological education and Christian formation. Occasionally, we host guest lecturers.

Current Class Offerings

 A Rooted Life: Join the Spiritual Formation team for a class exploring what it means to live a life rooted in faith. We will explore ways to build habits that help us to follow Jesus more closely. We’ll cover a variety of topics including embodied spirituality, giving and generosity, and sabbath.

Philosophy for the Church: A strand in the philosophical tradition from Aristotle onwards is that virtuous activity produces happiness. To act virtuously means to align yourself and actions with the world. This class will trace this thread from Aristotle to Heiddeger by examining attempts to triangulate self, world, and action. Can we find happiness through this project? Why is this phantom thread so elusive? What can theology inform and learn from philosophy about knowledge of self, world, and action? Join us for this 6 week class led by Jason Stanghelle in the All Saints Room on the lower level of our sanctuary building. This class presumes a basic understanding of philosophical concepts and will cover Aristotle, Dun Scotus, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger. 

Story of Scripture: Join the staff for this 6 week class that is ordered around themes God has woven into Scripture. Each week, we’ll trace a theme through the Bible (such as kingdom, law, resurrection) and explore the way God is continuing that story within our own lives. This class will begin on January 12 and will be taught by Covenant’s staff.