

Covenant takes seriously God’s desire for us to come alongside one another in order to bear one another’s burdens in love (Ephesians 4:1-2 and Galatians 6:2). One way to do that is through our counseling ministry.

Michele Dillon is a trained, non-licensed counselor and spiritual director who can come alongside those going through challenging circumstances of many kinds – transitions, losses, relationship difficulties, spiritual questioning, parenting, and anxiety and depression. She can provide you with emotional, spiritual and practical help as needed, and can often offer referrals to outside resources if necessary.

The Holy Spirit is the initiator and helper in all real change and a counselor brings an awareness and dependency upon this truth into every counseling encounter. We also believe that the Bible contains truth for every human situation and that wisdom and love are required to appropriate truth into our life situations. The ultimate goal through all our life experiences, challenges, and trials is growth in Christ.

Our counseling ministry is not a substitute for licensed clinical therapy, to which we will recommend if that seems necessary.

Counseling with Michele is available to members and regular attenders of Covenant. Contact her if you are interested in arranging a confidential meeting. You will be required to fill out a short intake form before your first meeting.  Email is the quickest way to reach Michele. You can also text at 773-413-0086.